a love of movement & using it so that you hurt less
- Physiotherapist
- Masters Of Science in Physical Therapy, University of Alberta – 2016
- Bachelors Of Science in Kinesiology, University of Alberta (with distinction) – 2014
- Canadian Physiotherapy Association Orthopedic Division CPA Level 1 – 2016
- Canadian Physiotherapy Association Orthopedic Division CPA Level 2 – 2017
- AA1 and AA2 Medical Acupuncture Accreditation, Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute
- APTEI Advanced Lumbo-Pelvic Complex Certification Program (PENDING)
- Shockwave Certified (PENDING)
- Mulligan Concept: Lower Quadrant Certification
- Temporomandibular Joint Evaluation and Treatment Certification
- Myofascial Release, 2017
- Fitness enthusiast, Eater of food, and Beard-Grower.
Outside of work, Colin’s other passion is fitness. He says he loves being a physio because it allows him to take his love of movement, and apply it to making people hurt less. Whether it’s in the clinic, or out in the community, he loves to see people smile. Having the opportunity to laugh with people while providing an appropriate amount of physical discomfort to take their pain away puts a smile on his face. Colin makes time in his life for everyone. His huge heart fits well with our group at Leading Edge and his commitment to others shines bright in the clinic everyday.
- Favorite book– Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (This guys head size leaves a lot of room for brains – no offense to Grant)
- Favorite sport– Basketball and trimming his beard faster than it grows
- Favorite movie– Lord of The Rings: The Return of The king .. a giant like Colin will make anyone look like a hobbit
- Favorite Hobby – Weight lifting, Video Games and ducking under low doorways
- Clinical Pet Peeve– When the wheels on the stools fail to roll properly and he has to propel himself with his legs.. fortunately this gave him a good idea for a new exercise
- Did you know? besides the fact that he was born with facial hair, Colin is a mentor to a wonderful young man with Down Syndrome named Erik.
- Staff say– His size and outward appearance is overshadowed by his gentle and caring demeanor – Colin is like the big teddy bear you always wanted to buy with a big heart to match his shoe size
- Superhuman talent – Eating multiple entrees at one time whether it’s an outing for breakfast, lunch, or dinner – See Miia’s answer to this, and you’ll know why they make a great pair.
People might say that Colin just copied his sister Lindsay into a career as a physiotherapist but no self respecting younger sibling would ever admit to that, so here’s the real story: As a collegiate basketball player Colin went through a career-ending knee injury. After multiple knee surgeries during his undergraduate schooling he discovered how much impact physio had on his recovery. He decided to pursue a master’s degree from the University of Alberta so he could make a positive impact on people dealing with similar issues… and learn a few tricks to take care of his own knees along the way. He has taken his passion for learning beyond his degree as he continues to advance his skills in keeping with the philosophies of Leading Edge. His strong post graduate training in the area of orthopedics, acupuncture and radial shockwave, combined with an elite level athletic background, and more than a dash of compassion means that Colin is ready to play ball with any injury you might be facing.
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