Available at St. Albert, Royal Glenora, Windermere, University District Calgary, Heritage Valley, Leduc, Spruce Grove, and Sherwood Park locations.
“safety doesn’t happen by accident” (author unknown)
For a worker to be productive and healthy requires investment. At Leading Edge we believe that your people are assets and that there is value in providing them a comfortable and safe environment to perform at their best.
Leading Edge Physiotherapy offers ergonomic assessment and intervention in Edmonton, Calgary and St. Albert. Our Occupational Therapy division is run by Lisa Huskins. Having post graduate training in Functional Capacity and Ergonomic evaluation and remediation, Lisa and her team have the skills necessary to meet your, your companies and/or your client’s needs.
Ergonomics can be used to prevent:
- Low production output
- Lost time
- Medical and material costs
- Absenteeism
- Injuries such as muscle strains
- Probability of accidents and errors
Ergonomic Assessments are also useful:
- To determine the effect of the workplace on a person’s recovery from injuries sustained in motor vehicle collisions, slips and or falls.
Why choose Leading Edge for your ergonomic assessment?
We are able to meet your ergonomic requirements in a flexible manner. From one person environments to multiple work stations and lunch and learn sessions, we offer you and your organization a service to meet your specific demands. We know that our assessment is an investment in your employee and we will provide to you an assessment and report to outline the changes needed to assist you or your employee. We offer a short turn-around time for our reporting and will make changes on-site if applicable in order to initiate the necessary changes promptly.
At leading Edge we can also provide additional services by our physical therapists to assist with addressing any injuries or concerns that you or your employee may face. Identifying the risk and contributing factors is certainly a beginning, but in many cases when an injury is present, treatment is warranted. Our occupational therapist is trained to identify these injuries and can help to determine if physical therapy or if any if our unique Leading Edge services can assist in reducing or eliminating the underlying condition.
Ergonomics comes from the Greek “ergo” (work) and “nomos” (rules, natural law). It involves fitting a task to the human performing it. The Association of Canadian Ergonomists defines ergonomics as “a scientific discipline concerned with interactions among humans and other elements of a system (e.g., the tools, equipment, products, tasks, organization, technology, and environment). The profession applies theory, principles, data, methods and analysis in order to optimize human well-being and overall performance.”
Ergonomics works through a knowledge of proper positioning of the human body when performing tasks. The primary reason to have an ergonomic assessment is to assess and identify risk factors, which may increase the probability of an accident, disease, or failure.
Making changes to the work environment will help to mitigate those risk factors identified and can help to reduce the chances of injury and work time lost.
Ergonomic assessments can be performed in an office or commercial/industrial type of setting. Our evaluator will look for components at your or your employees job such as repetitive movements, abnormal postures, mechanical stressors and forceful exertions, which may cause problems for a worker.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- DeQuervains
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfers elbow
- Rotator cuff tendinitis
- Patellofemoral syndrome
- and many more injuries…