if you are looking for custom orthotics in St. Albert or Edmonton, then Leading Edge Physiotherapy can help!
- No medical referral necessary for your screen
- Referral may be required for reimbursement from your Extended Health Benefits
- The Assessment is complimentary
- Please identify that you are interested in booking an orthotic assessment when you contact our reception staff
A complimentary computerized gait analysis, video analysis and biomechanical foot assessment is provided to determine if you may benefit from custom foot orthotics.
There is no medical referral required, however, your extended benefits provider may require one should orthotics be deemed necessary. If you do have coverage there are usually yearly maximums in addition to coverage limits for Orthotic Devices. Be sure to confirm your limits, coverage amounts and referral requirements with your provider and/or human resources department. Our policy is that clients pay for orthotics prior to ordering and then submit their receipts for reimbursement.
Contact us today to arrange a complimentary orthotic screen.