from soccer star to physio star, this athlete has all the makings of physio’s version of Ronaldo
- Physiotherapist
- Masters of Science in Physical Therapy, University of Alberta 2009
- Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, University of Southern Mississippi – 2006
- NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist – 2006
- Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute Certification – 2010
- Orthopedic Division Level 3 – 2011
- Certification in Spinal Manipulation – 2014
- Gunn IMS
Don’t let her relaxed demeanor and subtle smile fool you, Chelsey has an unrelenting desire to win at everything she does and her patients will be grateful for it. Having played competitive sports since as far back as she can remember, Chelsey was also on the receiving end of many injuries herself. (This is likely how she earned the nicknames Bumper and Whirlpool.) These same injuries landed her on many physiotherapy tables throughout her athletic career with firsthand knowledge of injury and the rehab that a person may endure to get back to competing at a high level. Chelsey fell in love with the evolving nature, pace, challenge and social atmosphere that the profession of physical therapy offered. She endeavored to excel at both collegiate soccer and academics, taking the same competitive approach to each. Thankfully to all of us at Leading Edge it landed her successfully in the program of her dreams. Now, don’t expect any scissor kicks, diving headers or maradonas in the clinic, but you can expect the same attitude, drive and mad skills she pursued in soccer to be a reflection of what she can do with her brains and hands for every patient she sees at Leading Edge.
- Favorite Book – For One More Day by Mitch Albom. Don’t let the deep nature and depressing beginning of this book fool you as it explores how people might use the opportunity to spend a day with a lost relative. She also enjoys lighter material like home décor and tabloid magazines!
- Favorite Music – pretty much anything that Grant isn’t singing, but “This Girl” by the Kungs always makes me smile
- Favorite Sport – if it’s competitive and she can win, she’ll play it. Top contenders are soccer, beach volleyball, running, and snowboarding
- Favorite Movie – Griswold’s Christmas Vacation (Chelsey is a closet Clark Griswold to tell the truth), The Great Outdoors (a little like John Candy), Anchorman (definitely not like Will Farrell),or watching Disney’s Cars (lightening McQueen all the way) with her son
- Ultimate Wish – to have the ability to be in more than one place at a time. Chelsey is currently pursuing this achievement as she manages her career, kids, community pursuits, sports and needy husband
- Favorite Hobby – Running, Yoga, planting flowers and home decorating (it’s pretty intriguing how she can make home decorating a sport actually)
- Clinical Pet Peeve – pulling acupuncture needles out of the packaging, and “Pen Stealers” (pssst… someone tell Chelsey she doesn’t have to pay for the pens)
- Staff say at the clinic – “how can you be scared of cute little mice?”
- Something you won’t know about her – she survived Hurricane Katrina while attending University in Southern Mississippi (now if this isn’t a conversation center piece…)
- Superhuman Talent – don’t bother wrapping gifts for her as she has the ability to guess almost every single gift she’s about to receive
After accepting a scholarship to play soccer at the University of Southern Mississippi, she went on to both athletic and academic success graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science in 2006. She gained her NSCA Certification in Strength and Conditioning Specialist designation in the same year but decided there were more stops left in her career journey. She received her Masters of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Alberta in 2009 and immediately embarked on post graduate studies to hone her skills as a manual therapist and overall clinician. In doing so, she has garnered her Level 3 from the Orthopedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, her acupuncture certification for the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute and her certification in spinal manipulation. Still not enough for this high achiever and in keeping with our company’s philosophy of striving to offer our patients every edge available, she has achieved certification in Gunn IMS. Knowing Chelsey, these amazing achievements are stepping stones to winning the ultimate challenge: being the best one can be at all that they do. We are proud to be on her team!
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