On our way to over $1,000,000 in contributions – but it’s more than just Money we give!
Thanks for helping us make a difference in our community:
The Why
When we started Leading Edge Physiotherapy we conceived an idea of holding or attending events yearly that aligned with our business culture of having a tonne of fun, getting people healthy, providing exceptional experiences and giving back. We are dedicated to being an active contributing member to the prosperity and health of Edmonton and St. Albert. In fact, one of our paramount business goals is to “to serve the individual, the community and ultimately all of those that we treat.” In striving to achieve this goal, we volunteer our professional and personal time to improve the health of this community. Take a couple minutes to watch my video, highlighting many of the organizations and events that we are so passionate about.
The Video
When you watch it, you will notice that the word community is wide-reaching. For example, we are fortunate and proud to be a vital part of our community, helping so many of you reach your personal goals for activity, competition and wellness. If you have not had to use our services in the past three years since we joined you, just know that we are here if you ever need us to work through an injury or a painful condition that you might have. Even if you pop your head into the clinic (and take a candy!) we are available.
We Educate
We also serve our professional community through development and training of over 40 University of Alberta Physiotherapy and Kinesiology students, with some of our therapists and owners being Clinical Lecturers at the University. This education also extends to local schools where we have sponsored the development of Sports Medicine Programs in local high schools and frequently speak to classes.
We Have Fun Giving – If you join us you can too!
At Leading Edge Physiotherapy, we love to have fun. This is highlighted in some of our annual charity events including the Leading Edge Comedy Night which takes place during the Edmonton Comedy Festival every October. We buy out an entire show and resell the tickets to our community of patients, friends, family and colleagues for an unbelievably entertaining evening that raises money for charities that have included the Zebra Child Protection Centre and Kids Kottage. We also have the pleasure of sponsoring many golf events including the 630 Ched Santa’s Anonymous tournament every year. Every May, we get to spend an evening swooning over Jim Cuddy as he plays for the Centre For Family Literacy. If there is an event making a difference, we try to be there and we love inviting people on our adventure.
A snapshot of the financial impact Leading Edge has made in Edmonton and St. Albert
- Runwild – $407,000 benefiting the Zebra Child Protection Centre and St. Albert Seniors Association
- Cashmob – impact of over $96,000 to numerous local businesses in St. Albert
- Points For Pilgrims Hospice – $39,350
- Comedy Night – $27,ooo toward ISTAR, Edmonton Down Syndrome Society, Zebra Child Protection Centre and Kids Kottage
- Glenrose Courage Classic – $20,000 to various programs offered through the Glenrose Foundation
- St. Albert Rugby Football Club – $14,500 as named sponsors of Leading Edge Fields
- Santas Anonymous – $15,300
- Cross Cancer Institute – $8,400
- Edmonton Valley Zoo – $6,200
- This isn’t all of our $$$ giving… just a snapshot
We Are Making Our Own Mark
Cashmob St. Albert – That’s Us
In September of 2012 in St. Albert, Heidi started a local “CashMob” which is a spontaneous group of shoppers who descend on a local small business. We are a local small business ourselves and recognize the importance of supporting other independent small businesses whenever we can, including our yearly staff Christmas presents. To date, we have mobbed 21 businesses, with an average of 70 people per mob spending $2200 in an hour, for a total of over $96,000 in local economic stimulus.
Points For Pilgrims Hospice – Us Again
For the past four years we have also been proud to raise money through our program Points for Pilgrims Hospice Society. Pilgrims provides supportive and compassionate family centred care to enhance the quality and dignity of life for those diagnosed with a progressive, life-threatening illness as well as solace to those who are bereaved. Leading Edge proudly donates $10 for every point the Edmonton Eskimos score all year to Pilgrims, specifically for their Expressive Arts for Grieving Children, Teens and Families Program. This program meets the needs of Edmonton Area families who are seeking caring and compassionate support for their individual and unique bereavement journey. Program services include support group settings, individual and family counselling, summer daycamps, and art and music therapies. Children may attend starting at age 5 until age 12. Teens may attend from 13 to 18 years of age.
Runwild – Yup That’s Us Too
One of our proudest charitable events is RunWild, an event we founded 8 years ago and continue to run. Monthly board meetings means fourteen out of eighteen board members at the table are partners and employees of Leading Edge. If you have not been involved to date as one of our 2000 racers, 450 volunteers or 30 sponsors, we invite you to contact us and get involved. This year the race is May 6, 2018, including a half marathon, 10 km, 5 km and kids WildOnes Marafun event for 4-12 year olds. In our first seven years, we have raised $400,000 for our two charities, the Zebra Child Protection Centre and the St. Albert Seniors Association. We believe that a strong community is one that supports its children and its seniors. I am proud to serve as the chair of the Zebra Child Protection Centre this year. The Zebra Centre was the first of its kind in Canada and was founded on the belief that the community should share in the responsibility of responding to child abuse allegations. The Centre works with a community of professionals, including the Edmonton Police Services, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Alberta Children’s Services, Crown Prosecutors, Child at Risk Response Teams, medical and trauma screening professionals and volunteer advocates.
The Courage Classic for The Glenrose Foundation – No we aren’t kidding around
Bring it on. The longest day of the year offers us a chance to golf from morning to night. As not only the title sponsor but the sole sponsor, we have embraced this charity event and organization with all of our might. While the golf game gets worse as the day goes on, our passion for helping those struggling with injury gets stronger. Join us by putting a team together and playing some golf!
Leading Edge Comedy Night – Now we are kidding around but raising money at the same time
What better way to raise money than to laugh for a good cause. This event takes place every October during the Edmonton Comedy Show. We buy and resell the tickets generating a healthy donation for a new charity every year. Proceeds have gone to EDSS (Edmonton Down Syndrome Society), ISTAR (Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research), The Zebra Child Protection Centre and Kids Kottage. For information on how you can enjoy a night of laughter and giving please follow us on Facebook.
Thanks for your help. Lets keep this rolling!
Striving to be integral to the health and prosperity of our community, Leading Edge is dedicated to giving back. To this end, we know that we can’t make a major difference in this world alone. To all of you who have attended one of our events, sponsored an event, volunteered with us or just attended our clinic, we thank you. Together we look forward to continuing to make our community a better place.
As always, in health
Grant Fedoruk
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