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Listen: On Anti-Inflammatory Diets with Expert Guest Raina Beugelink

Today we are joined by Raina Beugelink to delve into the topic of anti-inflammatory diets. Inflammation is a common issue that many people face, manifesting in various forms such as skin conditions, internal organ issues, and joint pain. One of the key factors contributing to inflammation is the consumption of ultra-processed foods. These foods typically contain a high number of undesirable ingredients and should be avoided when focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet.

During our discussion, we’ll explore the fundamentals of an anti-inflammatory diet, including which foods to avoid and which to incorporate for better health outcomes. By making informed dietary choices, we can manage and reduce inflammation, leading to improved overall health.

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Grant Fedoruk

Disclaimer:  no information on this page is meant to replace or appear to provide care that is best provided by medical professionals.


Anti-Inflammation, Dietitian, Diets, Grant Fedoruk, Inflammation, Leading Edge Physiotherapy, Life Shouldn't Hurt, Raina Beugelink

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