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Listen: On Fad Diets with Expert Guest Raina Beugelink

We invite you to join us today in conversation with registered dietitian Raina Beugelink, as we delve into the topic of fad diets. Together, we explore the allure of these diets, acknowledging their apparent success stories that often inspire individuals to pursue them in hopes of achieving similar results. However, we also shed light on the pitfalls inherent in embracing fad diets as a one-size-fits-all solution. While each fad diet may contain elements of truth, the complexity of individual success extends far beyond adherence to any singular dietary regimen. Throughout our discussion, we specifically address popular fad diets such as intermittent fasting, keto, and carnivore diets, offering insights and perspectives alongside Raina’s expertise.

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Grant Fedoruk

Disclaimer:  no information on this page is meant to replace or appear to provide care that is best provided by medical professionals.


Fad Diets, Grant Fedoruk, Leading Edge Physiotherapy, Life Shouldn't Hurt, Raina Beugelink

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