Modern Pain Relief Treatment
Capilano shops the globe for state-of-the-art non-invasive, non-addictive pain relief treatment equipment. Capilano’s therapeutic neuro-modulation devices are specifically programmed to target the needs of your injury or condition, both acute and chronic. Here are some benefits:
- Non-narcotic
- Non-invasive
- Non-addictive
- Customized treatment protocols
- Effectively treats pain symptoms
- Effectively treats stiffness symptoms
In addition to managing your pain, therapeutic interferential stimulation can help reduce your dependence on pain medication as well as assist your recovery time.
Of course, at Capilano, your neuro-modulation treatments may only be a part of the comprehensive hands-on gentle care and exercise prescription that is provided by our professional therapy staff.
If you have a sore shoulder, stiff knee, or sprained ankle, call Capilano at 780-466-1104 to book an appointment and see if you would benefit from neuro-modulation.
Capilano Rehab Centre | Physical Therapy Capilano physical therapists have provided state-of-the-art physical therapy, sports physiotherapy, back pain, WCB, accident, whiplash and injury rehab to clients in Edmonton for over 10 years.
(780) 466-1104
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