Leading Edge Physiotherapy & Lululemon RunWild 10k Run clinic
If the kids can – We can: Leading Edge is teaming up with our friends at Lululemon to offer training for RunWild!
The Challenge:
If kids can do 1km then I think we can do 10km. Our goal is the RunWild 10km Race in St. Albert on May 6, 2018. If you are looking to get out and have some fun while getting some exercise and racing for some good causes, join us!! This clinic is geared towards beginners who are comfortable with running 5km.
The Opportunity:
We will offer a 10km running clinic starting March 20, 2018. Clinics will run Tuesday and Thursday evenings starting at 6:00pm. The work-outs will be run out of the WEM Lululemon store and Leading Edge Physiotherapy clinic at the Royal Glenora Club.
We will offer some information/education sessions along the way and help you to achieve your goals. Most important is that we will have a blast while doing it!
The Details:
Clinic runs March 20-May3, 2018.
Tuesdays: we will meet at Lululemon WEM at 6:00pm
Thursdays: we will meet at Leading Edge Physiotherapy at the Royal Glenora Club at 6:00pm
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